Sunday, September 09, 2007

Hollywood Squares

Some OMG's for you:

1) I saw Colin Meloy! I went over to the bike shop to pick up some lights, and he was there with his (adorable) girlfriend and baby. I was kind of starstruck, actually, though I tried to be smooth and pretend I hadn't listened to his records 8 zillion times. Colin Meloy! We also almost scratched his car in the parking lot. I'm pretty sure he would have just laughed it off and asked us to get some hot ciders with him, though.

2) I saw Stereo Total! They're so much fun live, which is just what we needed after a week of being stepped on. They even played my favorite song, which anyone who's ever been to Rentertainment has no doubt heard ad nauseum:

Stereo Total - L'amour a 3

More importantly, though, they sat behind us at a restaurant before the show! We heard some accents behind us, so I half-turned to look while saying, "Aww, a French ladyyyyyheyyyyywhoooooaaaaa that's Stereo Total!" We spent most of our meal going "Tee-hee!" and nudging each other. The most hilarious part was that no one else seemed to realize who they were, though we were in a restaurant connected to the venue which was populated almost entirely by irritating hipsters who were coming to see the concert. Most entertaining were the people with Stereo Total t-shirts who were too busy being cool to realize that the band was sitting two tables over.

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