Monday, September 15, 2008

My Wrist Hurts, and other tales of woe

Breaking news! I tripped and fell tonight while running (there was a stick, we exchanged words) and... ow. I no longer have any skin on my left leg, knee, hand, wrist, elbow, or shoulder. I also appear to have sprained my wrist, badly. Can you imagine what would happen if I tried something like hang-gliding? Or mountain climbing? I'm barely even getting through a normal day without dying!

Oh, and hey! I figured out what my tattoo should be: "Stop buying new books, jerk" in bold font, on my hand. I seem to have a real problem. Actually, the appearance of the word "books" would probably serve as a sort of trigger, backfire, and cause me to run to Powell's, so maybe that's out. I use the other side of my bed (I knew I bought a queen size for a reason) as a sort of "on deck" section where I pile the new books; then I can easily make a decision about which ones I want to read that day. Unfortunately, it's getting to the point where there's no longer room for my entire body in the bed, which so far hasn't deterred me from buying even MORE BOOKS (just yesterday, even!). I'm like an eccentric cat lady, without the cats. There are 18 sitting there right now. If I get to 20, I'll have to sleep in the yard. Please stop me before I get to 20. (I'm definitely getting to 20.)

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