Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Good Grief

Today I worked on German books for a long, long, long time. Normally, I like this, but unfortunately today's batch consisted mainly of professional law books, which... well, let's just say that for some reason we didn't cover international water-use law vocabulary in any of my German classes, so by the end of the day I felt like my head was imploding in on itself. My only coherent thought as I left the building was "Gwarrgh, pizza! Me want!" (you'll be happy to know that my wish was later fulfilled). I then managed to miss the bus TWICE downtown; after the first miss, I walked down the street to get more transit tickets, then hurried back to see it pulling away without me again. Both times I ran down the street yelling something like, "NoooooOOOOooo HEYYYY!!!!!" and flailing my arms. Since I do this roughly three or four times a week, I probably no longer have any chance of impressing any of the really unattractive people that habitually ride my bus, which is too bad. I'm not sure why I keep running after the bus, since it's never once stopped for me, but this never seems to occur to me at the time. It's sort of like Charlie Brown and the football, I guess.

1 comment:

Piglet said...

how was bagel brunch? now donuts...that would be something to get excited about!