Today I tried to ride the bus to work, which would have been a great success if the bus had actually shown up. After a pathetic chain of events involving a ticket machine that only spoke Spanish and a depressing sojourn at a bus stop located under an overpass, I finally walked home and begged Paul to drive me. From there, the day progressed into something that I would liken to a young adult novel where someone endures their first mortifying day at a new junior high school. I immediately made sure to sit on a giant chunk of chocolate, since the only thing that looks better than a wet, tired employee is a wet, tired employee with melted chocolate all over their ass. I was just getting over this when I noticed that my lunch had leaked all over my purse, which now smells like tuna and capers (though, as a bonus I may now enjoy new popularity with the neighborhood cats). The rest is just your typical laundry list of stupid embarrassments: food in teeth, zit on cheek, stuttering, tripping. I skinned my knee? I don't even know how that happened.
Fortunately, I found the chocolate incident to be so hilarious that I was in an A+ mood all day, which turned to A++ after I got home and unearthed this little gem:

Yeah, haw haw, go ahead and make your "some things never change!!!" joke. The point is, I vividly remember this trip because I sat in chocolate and got in all over that jacket! I feel a kinship with my younger self. The fact that I am posing with cardboard Star Trek characters makes it even more perfect.
Home in 2 1/2 days :)
your star trek outfits only got better as the years went on. this one is the right color, but it's not even spandex! oh, how you've grown into your spock-like self!!
I remember that blue jacket well.
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