Sunday, November 04, 2007


I almost forgot, I have Halloween photos! You can probably already guess what I dressed up as, since I've had the same costume for the past 5 years. I think this also marks five years in a row that I've vowed to dress as Wario (my mentor), without actually making any moves towards building the costume. Maybe next year? I know I'd look great with a foot wide cardboard mustache. Alex, you're obviously Mario.

We went to greatest Halloween party ever, which I've deemed "greatest" solely because it's the only costume party I've ever been to where nobody was dressed as a sexy nurse. LIFE IS WORTH LIVING AGAIN. Ben had no costume, so he borrowed a wolf mask from Kathleen and claimed to be Teen Wolf.

Haw haw!

Corinn, Paul, and Kathleen as Mexican wrestlers

The winners of the "least amount of effort" award pose for a photo

Bjork and "Crazy Eyez Killa" Olsen, having a grand time on the stairs


Ricardo en Fuego fears Teen Wolf while Gum studies her scarf.

Boy, did we have a great time.

Unfortunately, Paul's intense look of concentration got him nowhere. He was, as they say, "hosed." Teen Wolf wins again!


Anonymous said...

Love the Halloween pics!! Yours was more fun than mine was....hey I have an idea...wouldn't it be cool if you, me and RE dressed up like Mario bros characters for next year...I think that would be awesome! anyway hope you are doing well..yay for work tomorrow (blah) lol.

Piglet said...

among the "sexys" i observed on halloween:

-sexy nurse (with gynecologist bf)
-sexy GI
-sexy devil (inventive!)
-sexy roman warrior (actually a good costume, though)
-sexy harry potter (i kid you not.)
-playboy bunny
-sexy native american princess (umm, yeah.and i saw two of them.)
-britney spears
-sexy firefighter
-sexy flight attendant
-sexy jungle jane
-semi-sexy marie antoinette (again, i must admit that this was actually a really costume)
-some sort of weird sexy appartion swathed in a bedsheet. coudn't make out what exactly she was supposed to be.

most of the ladies, unfortunately,weren't actually sexy due to wearing tight-ass costumes made of synthetic materials that sometimes looked like they might positively bust at the seams. but if you think you'd like to eroticize mario and wario for next year, i'm willing to give it a shot.

DrIK said...

That swan looks familiar!