Thursday, October 22, 2009

Folding the World Over, or, A Ride in My Pocket!

Still kickin'.

So, I went to this wedding. Maybe I saw you there? Two wonderful people got married, and I was lucky enough to be invited to share in the occasion. As a bonus, some of the people I love most in life also happened to be in attendance! As a bonus bonus, the wedding happened to be in Illinois, which is where a bunch of people I'm related to live! Bonus bonus bonus, I managed to land in an airport in the same city where the esteemed Alex B. resides. And so I spent a long weekend hopping from city to city, seeing vows exchanged, eating brunch with friends, and sitting in my mom's kitchen. Per usual, there was not nearly enough time, and I missed some people I was hoping to see. A lot of people, actually. But this is why I have a bed waiting for you in Portland, Oregon! I will even remove all the library books from under the covers if you come to stay. (This is a big deal.)

Anyway, it was like this:

I have a dumb thing to say, but I think about it a lot: isn't it weird that everyone you know doesn't know everyone you know? Or, to put it even dumber: sometimes I forget that I'm not carrying around all of my loved ones in my pocket and showing them everything I see. Some of the people I know in Portland have never even been to the Midwest! How can this be, when it's one of the two centers of the earth for me? And how can it be that the people who give me love and advice in one city don't know the people who give me love and advice in another city? Sometimes I want to defy the laws of physics and fold the world over so that Portland and Illinois can overlap. Oh friends, there are lots of people I know who would love you if you only had a chance to meet them.

But mainly, I just want to fold the world over so we can finally get some decent pizza over here:


Unknown said...

ehem. we have plenty of exceptional pizza here, thank you very much:

dove vivi
ken's artisan
give pizza a chance
apizza scholls

kakaaw said...

You know what I mean. The thick kind! Those are all thin (but good, you're right). And the pizza cart doesn't count, because... I said so.

Can we go to Tastebud soon? Ok, good.

Piglet said...

Don't forget U-SPY and the Rock Hard Gym! You need those in Portland too!