Wednesday, July 29, 2009


SE 20th and Lincoln. Artist unknown.

Look, I'm not kidding around here. It was nearing 90 at 8 am. Yesterday was 105, today's the same. In desperation, I went to look for a portable air conditioner, only to find that fans and a/c's are sold out in the entire Portland metro area. Instead, I jumped fully clothed into our backyard kiddie pool, then walked across town soaking wet to meet some friends at an air conditioned bar (for a nice glass of ice water). From now on, I plan to do most daily activities while dripping wet.

I'd also like to talk about my room for a second. I came home last night to find that my candles had all completely melted. What does that put my room at... 120? 125? Needless to say, I've evacuated all living things from the upstairs, including my computer, which refused to turn on for a good hour after leaving my room. I also unwisely chose this week to start transplanting some plant cuttings, and I'm worried for their tiny lives. Hang on, little dudes!

Today's my day off, and I'm dreaming of my freezing-cold office. (I am not dreaming of yesterday's deathly hot bus ride home from my freezing-cold office, where the overheated bus stalled on the side of the interstate, and some dude felt the need to turn to me and say, "Hot enough for ya?") Needless to say, I will be spending the day touring the city's most powerfully air conditioned establishments. I believe I have enough activities planned to keep me away from the house until 11 pm, whereupon I will retire to bed under a wet towel. It should be down to at least 98 by then, so, you know... no big deal.



Karla said...

oo, another post so soon! :o)

sorry to hear of the ridic temperatures y'all've (yeah, i just contracted you-all-have altogether...) been having! it's been pretty gross here, but definitely not as bad! especially after it rained, it got a lot better.

definitely take a couple bandannas and continue to rinse them out and put them places like your neck and around your waist (i was able to hide it b/c i was wearing a dress).

Piglet said...

if you have to go to the emergency room when a fever reaches 104 degrees, shouldn't you technically be hospitalized by now? the fever's not just IN your body, it's also all around you! portland=the flu!

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Happy (belated) birthday!!!