Anyway, this kinda lame thing happened. Since I am young, I am still under the impression that "that won't happen to me!", "that" of course signifying "anything bad, ever." I have to remain pretty esoteric here, but I will say that a big chunk of my history recently dissolved into thin air. As that one dude (ok, Shakespeare) once said: "These violent delights have violent ends." Yeah, no joke. But as that other dude (ok, Rilke) once said, "Oh disobedient world, full of refusal. And yet it breathes the space in which the stars revolve." Or, if you prefer: "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Hey, they may be onto something here! Because the same world that gives us loss also gives us contellations, the ability to make cheese, new leather boots (oh, yeah!) and, like, one gazillion wonderful people that I haven't even met yet. Cheese, boots, friends, stars. And lemonade. Bring it on, let's go.
On my windowsill, one of the previous occupants of this room wrote, "Yes, you can." I find this oddly touching and inspirational. It's just a dumb phrase, scrawled in pencil, but I look at it often, because it's good to be reminded. So when I clumsily post the equivalent of, "Life good! Life good! Life good!" it is a reminder to me and to you. Because if I need to hear it, then surely you do too, sometimes. So, internet: LIFE GOOD. And, also: yes, you can. So there! Now no one can say they were never told.
And now, for your enjoyment, here are some photos.
Why, this is a portable hood! I call it "Porta-hood." I wish to be buried in it.
it's like those thousands of people at the obama rally were shouting:
yes, we can. YES. WE. DID.
Yeah, it's funny, I didn't even realize that it was basically the same phrase until, like, last week. But the thing on my windowsill looks like it was written years ago, so it's just a coincidence -- I suppose the sentiment is timeless, though. Holler at me, optimism!
(p.s. got your message. I'm at work, will call later!)
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